We know water like a fish a

Cyprio BV

We know water like a fish

Legionella detection

In particular the social attention regarding the presence of Legionella bacteria in aerobic water treatment plants, but also in the ambient air around aerobic water treatment plants, has increased significantly in recent times. The central question here is whether the biological air quality in the environment of waste water treatment complies with the current Occupational Health and Safety legislation and to what extent activities on waste water treatment entail microbiological risks (with regard to potential exposure to potentially pathogenic micro-organisms).

Pilot test conducted in our laboratory – SBR (1)

Cyprio offers various services in the field of pilot testing. Feasibility studies can be carried out this way, for example to determine treat ability of waste water flows that are usually difficult to handle and/or nutrient removal.

If you are interested in our service, please contact us. Contact

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